Learn with passion to live with purpose.
Thousands of students open new horizons with us every year with flying to germany for studies. The entry into a good university in germany is not so for students, when counselled by our experienced staff of german leap . We are encouraged to receive ever increasing no of students applications for germany every year. On other hand there is also growth in no of universities which offer free study in germany. Germany has always been the best place for students to find jobs after studies. Germany is the centre of collecting world best talent and educating them. If you want to study in germany or want to study free in germany or you are searching for best study in germany consultants in Delhi , then you are at the right place. We at german leap help our students with up to date relevant information and the process to get admissions in most wanted universities of germany. We have realised dreams of thousands of students every year wishing to go to germany for studies. We have the best skills & knowledge to process the students applications for germany. We have felt that there are limited no of germany consultants specially in north india and mainly in Punjab as it requires proper and complete knowledge & understanding of german education system. When it comes to free English taught programmes in germany, we offer the best services & possibilities to students. We believe that we are the certainly top study in germany consultants and the resource centre for students aspiring to go germany.
94532Foreign Followers
11223Classes Complete
25678Students Enrolled
2678Certified Teachers